Human Resources
Many nonprofits rely on the incredibly valuable assistance provided by volunteers and interns. But do you have processes in place to ensure that you can support them, while ensuring that your beneficiaries are protected too? Are you maximising the benefits and experience that these volunteers could bring to your programme? The resources in this section explore these questions in more detail.
The tightrope walk: Leading with empathy while holding teams accountable
Thembela Njenga

In recent years, empathetic leadership has emerged as a popular trend in business management circles. Empathetic leadership involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others, allowing leaders to see workplace issues from their employees' perspectives.
This approach helps supervisors addr...
When should NPOs use a specialist recruitment agency?
Bruce Tait

In South Africa, the landscape for individuals seeking to join a non-profit organisation (NPO) is increasingly competitive. Despite the growing pool of active candidates, the hiring process remains complex and demanding. At Charity Careers Africa, we recognise that while some NPOs might possess t...
The deceptive reality of commission-only "full-time" positions
Shameemah Jahed

Challenging the Norms of Commission-Based Employment in the Non-Profit sector
Recently, my LinkedIn feed and inbox have been inundated with new business development and fundraising opportunities on a commission-only basis at both new and established non-profit organisations. As a professional fr...
UK volunteers for South African NPOs
Jill Ritchie

The 21st century has seen an unprecedented boom in the popularity of school leavers travelling before starting university or working – AKA the gap year. A large percentage of British youngsters, generally aged about 18, delay starting careers or tertiary study to travel.
Many do so for u...
How to answer the salary question
Bruce Tait

The question that most candidates dread, usually comes close to the end of an interview:
“So, what is your expected salary?”. . . .
Best practice tells us that disclosing the salary before candidates reach interview is the fairest and most effective way to recruit. Most non-profits ...
Crafting a great CV for a nonprofit job
Bruce Tait

Have you ever wondered why you apply for lots of roles, but don’t hear back or miss out on shortlisting? It might be that you’ve got some excellent skills and experience and you know that you would be a great candidate for a role. But that’s just where there may be an issue – YOU know you would b...
How to write a great cover letter
Bruce Tait | Charity Careers Africa

A cover letter can make or break your chances of getting shortlisted for your dream job; however, it’s the area that many candidates fall down on. While CVs are carefully considered and crafted, all too often the cover letter is written in haste and half-heartedly. This does not go unnoticed by p...
[Watch] Volunteers and the law - what to know
Ricardo Wyngaard | The NPO Lawyer

This video deals with the legal implications of having volunteers.
Laws related to NPOs and volunteers working with children
Ricardo Wyngaard | The NPO Lawyer

Many organisations in South Africa are focused on providing care to children. The provisions of the Children’s Act of 2005 are of significant importance when making use of the services of volunteers in caring for children. Section 9 of the Children’s Act provides that; “In all matters concerning ...